Thursday, August 8, 2013

Like to read books. I designed the look for a new site It is brutally honest book reviews. The site is done in WordPress that was originally a template that I modified the colours of to better suit the branding. I contributed and edited the graphic elements as needed. The Illustration and feel for the mascot-icon was also great fun to create in Adobe Illustrator from scratch.  I continued this branding when designing the business cards and social icons. Visit for the full design.
Branding this was a great experience and the content is also honest and informative. If you like to read and keep up on what is hot in the wold of books this is a must visit site. Enjoy.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

New Purple Alien Fashion Designs

New Purple Alien t-shirt and fashion designs are allways being added to Have a look around and let us know what you think. If your excited by what you see place an order or contact me and we can make a custom design for you.